Wednesday December 17th
♦ Obama Issues Pardons and Commutations (9 comments)
Wednesday December 3rd
♦ Ashton Carter Chosen to Replace Chuck Hagel (2 comments)
Thursday November 20th
♦ President Obama's Immigration Speech (68 comments)
Thursday September 25th
♦ Eric Holder Resigns, Continues Progressive Reforms (33 comments)
Wednesday September 24th
♦ Obama Speaks at U.N. (54 comments)
Thursday August 14th
♦ Obama Speaks on ISIS And Ferguson (33 comments)
Tuesday July 8th
♦ A Night of Pizza, Beer and Pool for Obama in Denver (76 comments)
Wednesday March 5th
♦ Republicans Block Apppointment for DOJ Civil Rights (187 comments)
Tuesday January 28th
♦ SOTU 2014 (33 comments)
♦ State of the Union Prequel (74 comments)